Fittingly, the fanciful legs of the matador bug have made the bug a muse of many photographers and even graced the cover of an edition of Lonely Planet. Juliette Rubin, an evolutionary biologist and behavioral ecologist at the same institute, noticed the beautiful bug on one of the institute's coffee table books, placed, appropriately, on one of the institute's coffee tables. "It was an animal that I had seen just because it had previously been in my visual repertoire, because it's a beautiful insect," Rubin said. Somjee said he "assumed that people had studied it." But when the researchers looked into the literature, they found no research investigating why the bugs had such dramatic leg flags, let alone why they waved them.

An abstract painting will react to you if you react to it. You will get from it what you bring to it. It will meet you half way but no further. It is alive if you are. It represents something and so do you. YOU, SIR, ARE A SPACE, TOO.
The problem with trends like dopamine fasting — which instructs people to take intentional breaks from stimulating, potentially addictive things that might trigger dopamine release, in an effort to reset the mind — is that it puts too much stress on dopamine. One chemical doesn’t have the power to single-handedly overhaul your mental health.
And when he grows up a little more and he gets to the first grade and some punk kid tells him, “Your uncle’s not a wrestler. You’re lying,” he can whip out his phone and show him a video of his Uncle Eddie walking out through the curtain in front of 20,000 screaming fans at Arthur Ashe Stadium in Queens — right down the block from where he used to trade Japanese wrestling tapes and get into street fights and run from the cops.
My nephew can look that little punk dead in his eyes and say, “See?”
His uncle ain’t a New York Yankee.
He ain’t a doctor or a lawyer.
He ain’t a f*cking astronaut.
He’s a wrestler.